Opera del Vocabolario Italiano

Istituto del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Transparent administration

The Section " Transparent Administration " comply with ​the provisions of D.lgs 14 marzo 2013 n. 33 - 'Reorganization of the discipline concerning the obligations for advertisement, transparency and diffusion of the information by the public administration, as amended by D.lgs. 25 maggio 2016 n. 97 (GU Serie Generale n. 132 del 08/06/2016), and refers to the homonymous Section of the website www.cnr.it.

Specific Information about the Institute 

The manager of transparency and bribery prevention for the Institute is the Director, Dr. Paolo Squillacioti (direttore@ovi.cnr.it) (Decree of appointment).

Under the Circular of the General Manager of CNR, prot. 43284 del 6/6/2014, the Director appointed as Contact person for "Trasparence and integrity" for the years 2020-2021 (prot. 8, 13.01.2020), Andrea Boccellari.