In 2016, the OVI was invited to participate institutionally in a Ph.D. program, the International Ph.D. in Philology and Criticism of the University of Siena, whose past coordinator was Lino Leonardi, OVI Director from 2014 to 2018.
On the basis of the agreement already in place between the University of Siena and the OVI for internship activities related to the Ph.D. in Philology and Criticism, the OVI became part of the network of Tuscan institutions that presented this new Ph.D. as part of the Pegasus Project of the Tuscany Region (University of Siena - administrative headquarters, University of Pisa, University for Foreigners of Siena, CNR Institute Opera del Vocabolario Italiano, and with the support of the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini ONLUS).
The project has been approved, and, within the XXXII cycle (2016-2019), the call for tenders for the Romance Philology curriculum has awarded five positions with a three-year scholarship plus one without scholarship.
Since 2017, the OVI has participated in the program with the research project "Web-based lexicography of early Italian", which provides for the establishment of some dedicated scholarships.
The call was launched for two PhD position with a three-year scholarship for the OVI project and it was awarded to Lorenzo Carpitelli e Gabriele Tanassi.
The call was launched for one PhD position with a three-year scholarship for the OVI project and it was awarded to Alessia Luvisotto.
The call for applications included two positions with a three-year scholarship for the OVI project, awarded to Elisa Giorgetti and Davide Tarchiani.
The call for applications included three positions with a three-year scholarship for the OVI project, awarded to Flavia Guidi, Matteo Cesena e Tommaso Intreccialagli.
The call for applications included three positions with a three-year scholarship for the OVI project, won by Chiara Fragomeli and Giulia La Rosa, and by Davide Pettinari, plus one without scholarship, awarded to Chiara Martignano.
The call was launched for three PhD positions with a three-year scholarship for the OVI project, awarded to Michele Colombo, Flavia Garlini and Noemi Pigini.
The call was launched for two PhD positions with a three-year scholarship for the OVI project, awarded to Ester Borsato and Sara Maria Fantini.
in 2023 OVI participates in the network of institutions (Scuola Superiore Meridionale di Napoli, University of Naples Federico II, University of Florence, University for Foreigners of Siena, Italian Section of the DARIAH Consortium, Fondazione Ezio Franceschini Onlus) which on the initiative of the Scuola Normale Superiore (coordinator Lino Leonardi) the FROID PhD (Filologia Romanza e Italiana Digitale) was established for the XXXIX cycle.
In 2023 OVI financed one of the eight scholarships put up for competition, thanks to the availability of PNRR funds from the H2IOSC infrastructure project (coordinated by Emiliano Degl'Innocenti) and DARIAH-IT.
The call was launched for eight PhD position with a four-year scholarship fof which one financed by the OVI assigned to Claudio Benedetto Maggi.