Opera del Vocabolario Italiano

Istituto del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Either as coordinating body, head of research unit, or host organization, the OVI is involved in national and international projects that are related to the Institute’s mission, that is, linguistic or philological research on early Italian, or research on information technology applied to the textual tradition.



H2IOSC - Humanities and Cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud

Start date: ​01/11/2022 End date: ​30/04/2025
Project type: PNRR: Missione 4 – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 3.1 – Fondo per la realizzazione di un sistema integrato di infrastrutture di ricerca e innovazione
Funded by: ​European Union NextGenerationEU and Italian Ministry of University and Research
Coordinated by:  ​National Research Council
Partners:  Istituto per le applicazioni del calcolo “Mauro Picone” (IAC-CNR) • Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni (ICAR-CNR) • Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “A. Zampolli” (ILC-CNR) • Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee (ILIESI-CNR) • Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI-CNR) • Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO-CNR) • Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (ISPC-CNR) • Istituto per la Storia del Pensiero Filosofico e Scientifico (ISPF-CNR) • Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “Alessandro Faedo” (ISTI-CNR) • Institute of Nanotechnologies (NANOTEC-CNR) • Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche “Giulio Natta” (SCITEC-CNR)  

Description:  In consideration of the role attributed by the EC to RIs for the development of the ERA and following the recommendations of linking the national agendas to the ESFRI Roadmap, elaborating national plans for an harmonised approach towards investments and use of RIs, H2IOSC will support the implementation of a coherent strategy for RIs development and integration in Italy, optimizing the use of the most relevant assets, upgrading and implementing the facilities, as a result of needs arising from the reference communities, gathered from a comprehensive assessment and prioritisation work. H2IOSC aims at creating a federated and inclusive cluster of RIs in the ESFRI domain of Social and Cultural Innovation to allow researchers from various disciplines in the Humanities, Language technologies and the Cultural Heritage sectors collaborate in data and compute intensive research.
OVI is in charge of the leadership of WP1 "Project and Financial Management, Quality Assurance" and WP4 "RIs Nodes and Resources Interoperability". 

OVI rolePartner
OVI contact: Emiliano Degl'Innocenti (Scientific Coordinator)
