Start date: 01/04/2020 End Date: 31/03/2023
Project Type: H2020-EU. - Integrating and opening existing national and regional research infrastructures of European interest, GA n. 871034
Funded by: EC
Coordinated by: Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - CNR - INO
Partners: Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) • Federal University of Minas Gerais (ANTECIPA) • The Cyprus Institute (CYI) • The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ITAM) • Rathgen Research laboratory - Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) • Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) • National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS) • Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) • Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki) • Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) • The University of Oslo – (UiO) • Cultural Heritage Agency • Ministry of Education • Culture and Science (RCE) • Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) • Cultural Heritage Laboratory • Studies and Safeguarding (HERCULES) • National Institute for Research and Development in Optoelectronic (INOE) • Swedish National Heritage Board (RAA) • The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS) • University College London (UCL) • The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) • Museum Conservation Institute – (SI MCI) • University of Copenaghen (UCPH)
Descrizione: Following IPERION CH, IPERION HS (Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science) is a consortium of 24 partners from 23 countries that contributes to establishing a pan-European research infrastructure on heritage science. The project is described as a further step towards a unified scientific approach to the most advanced European instruments for the analysis, interpretation, preservation, documentation and management of heritage objects.
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact: Emiliano Degl'Innocenti
Start date: 01/01/2019 End date: 30/04/2022
Project type: H2020-EU. - Developing new world-class research infrastructures, ID dell'accordo di sovvenzione n. 823782
Funded by: EC
Coordinated by: CESSDA ERIC
Partners: CentERdata • Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) • European Research Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technology (CLARIN) • Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) • European Social Survey (ESS) • French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) • German Archeological Institute • Italian National Research Council (CNR) • Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) • Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) • SciencesPo • Semantic Web Company Gmbh • Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) • Tilburg University • TRUST-IT • University of Amsterdam • University College London • University of Nottingham • Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER)
Description: The project aims to provide a full-fledged Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) where data, tools and training are available and accessible for users of SSH data.
The focus of the project is determined by the goal to further the innovation of the infrastructural support for the digital scholarship, to stimulate a multidisciplinary collaboration across the various subfields of SSH and beyond, as well as to increase the potential for the societal impact.
The intention is to create a European open cloud ecosystem for Social Sciences and Humanities, consisting of an infrastructural and human component.
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact: Emiliano Degl'Innocenti
Start date: 2018 End date: 2020
Project type: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
Funded by: EC
Beneficiary: Alessandro Aresti
Description: The ItalArt project, funded in its initial phase (2018-2020) through a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship awarded to Alessandro Aresti, is conducted at OVI in collaboration with the EpistolART research unit of the University of Liège. The aim of the project is to make a small but significant contribution to the knowledge and reconstruction of the lexical and conceptual pathway of the formation and development of an Italian jargon of the arts and architecture, from the first documentary evidence in the second half of the 13th century, up to its maturation in the autumn of the Renaissance (the mid-16th century and beyond).
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact: Lino Leonardi
Start date: 01/05/2015 End date: 31/10/2019
Project type: H2020 – EU. – Developing new world-class research infrastructures, GA n. 654119
Funded by: EC
Coordinated by: PIN S.c.r.l. servizi didattici e scientifici per l'Università di Firenze
Partners: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique • CLARIN ERIC • Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen - KNAW • The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars & the other members of board of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth Near Dublin • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas • Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas • King's College London • Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften • Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche • Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen Stiftung Offentlichen Rechts • Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino-S.I.S.M.E.L. • Academy of Athens • Fachhochschule Potsdam • Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Description: Within the main European project to develop the infrastructure for humanistic research, the OVI collaborates in particular with SISMEL to develop the interoperability in the lexicographic field, as part of task 2.3: “Definition of interoperability and related service requirements”.
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact: Emiliano Degl'Innocenti
Start date: 14/01/2020 End date: 12/06/2022
Project type: POR FESR 2014-2020 - Asse A Occupazione, nell’ambito di “Giovanisì"
Funded by: Regione Toscana
Coordinated by: OVI (Emiliano Degl'Innocenti)
Partners: Archivio di Stato di Prato • Museo di Palazzo Pretorio • Sovrintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Toscana • Space S.p.a.
Description: The project has as its main purpose the recovery, integration and accessibility of data and digital objects produced in the last twenty years by its partners, in order to build a knowledge base on the history of the city and its institutions, the development of its economic and entrepreneurial system, the role of women in the development of the welfare network. Starting from the figure of the merchant Francesco di Marco Datini, his family and his entourage, from the local dimension it will be possible to reconstruct a significant part of the history of European and Mediterranean cities of the 14th century, including commercial and economical aspects. The reference landscape for the scientific and infrastructural development of the project’s activities is constituted by the collaboration (through the CNR-OVI) with the DARIAH-ERIC (ESFRI Landmark for the Humanities and Social Sciences) and E-RIHS (ESFRI project for the Heritage Science), as well as the European Research Cloud (EOSC).
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact: Emiliano Degl'Innocenti
tart date: 18.06.2019 – End date: 18.08.2022
Project type: PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020, Cod. PIR01_00022
Funded by: MIUR
Coordinated by: CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Description: aims at the enhancement of the technology infrastructure through the construction of 6 data centers located in the central and southern regions. The project also aims at employee empowerment (4 years duration).
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact: Emiliano Degl'Innocenti (Scientific Coordinator)
Start date: 11/2018 – End date: 02/2021
Project type: PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020, Cod. ARS01_00421
Funded by: MIUR
Coordinated by: CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Partners: Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A - Università degli studi di Firenze - Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Università degli Studi di Palermo - Università degli Studi di Bologna - 2038 Innovation Company S.r.l. - Demetrix S.r.l. - Centro di Ricerca Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna - Innovaway S.p.A.
Description: IDEHA will create an open IT platform for Cultural Heritage, combining both digital content from traditional repositories and information generated in real time by users or environmental sensors; aggregating, processing and understanding the data by utilizing new learning technologies to build services that can be used by different users profiled through specific multimodal applications.
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact: Emiliano Degl'Innocenti
Start date: 01/01/2018 End date: 31/12/2021
Project type: Contract
Funded by: Fondo Nazionale Svizzero per la Ricerca Scientifica
Coordinated by: Università di Ginevra (Roberto Leporatti)
Partners: Fondazione Ezio Franceschini onlus
Description: The project "The"
scattered rhymes "by Francesco Petrarca: the other side of the"
Canzoniere "» proposes to give back a new image closer to the reality of
the diffusion of Petrarca lyric in the centuries of its affirmation as canonical
author in Italy and in Europe. The Canzoniere is the first
and most important organic collection of rhymes conceived as an intimate diary
and ideal portrait of the author and has contributed decisively to the birth of
the modern idea of “book”. The project has three main
objectives: (i) to realize the first critical edition of the RDP and other
texts that will prove to be attributable to other authors, contributing to a
better knowledge of Italian poetry of the fifteenth and fifteenth centuries;
(ii) to produce a comprehensive study on how to disseminate Petrarch's poetry
and its reception; (iii) provide a methodological model for the solution of
related cases in the field not only Italian.
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact:
Paolo Squillacioti
Operational contact: Aurelio Malandrino
Start date: 05/02/2017 End date: 05/02/2020
Project type: PRIN 2015
Funded by: MIUR
Coordinated by: Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara (Maria Careri)
Partners: Università degli Studi di Palermo • Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" • Università degli Studi di Padova • Università degli Studi di Torino • Sapienza Università di
Description: Il progetto è dedicato ai testi medievali occitanici e specialmente alla loro ricezione antica e ha due
poli d’interesse tra loro complementari: i canzonieri manoscritti come recettori della lirica e di testi
ad essa associati nella trasmissione (narrazioni biografiche in prosa, componimenti in metro
narrativo-didattico), e, di contro, alcuni testi in prosa di natura diversa (didattici, devozionali,
scientifici). Risultato principale sarà l'allestimento di un archivio testuale articolato su un doppio
livello (trascrizioni diplomatiche e edizioni interpretative) e corredato da un potente sistema
OVI role: Partner
OVI contact:
Paolo Squillacioti