Opera del Vocabolario Italiano

Istituto del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Video Tutorial


I Corpora dell'OVI

La ricerca per lemmi
La ricerca per forme
La funzione" mostra lista testi"
La ricerca per cooccorrenze
Definire e utilizzare un sottocorpus
Click here for the video tutorial

Since 2007, the textual corpora created at OVI can be queried online via GattoWeb, the Web interface of the GATTO 3.3 lexicographic software, created by Domenico Iorio-Fili and Andrea Boccellari. 

A powerful software that stands up to time and technological advances, providing now indispensable support, not only to the editors of the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini for which it was designed, but to the relevant scientific community. 

Precisely because it is powerful, the are some challenges in its use which can be overcome with the online help: step-by-step instructions of the main procedures may be a further help for the users. 

So, a number of tutorials for basic query procedures in GattoWeb have been developed. 

The tutorials (in Italian) were created in December 2022 with the technical support of the Italian node of the DARIAH-ERIC infrastructure and the editing activity of Leonardo Canova.