Opera del Vocabolario Italiano

Istituto del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


The Archivio Testuale del Siciliano Antico (ARTESIA) and the Vocabolario del Siciliano Medievale (VSM), established by Mario Pagano at the University of Catania, stand as pioneering resources for delving into the early centuries of Sicilian vernacular.   

Inaugurated in 2008, the ARTESIA Project, led by Mario Pagano at the Department of Humanities of the University of Catania in collaboration with the Center for Philological and Linguistic Studies of Sicily in Palermo, focuses on documenting Sicilian vernacular from the late 13th century to the first half of the 16th century. This period marked the gradual shift from Sicilian to Tuscan as the language of administration and public communication.   
The initial resource developed in 2008 was the GattoWeb ARTESIA Corpus, under the guidance of Mario Pagano (with vice directors Salvatore Arcidiacono and Ferdinando Raffaele). This collaboration involved both Sicilian institutions and the OVI.   
Beyond the Quaderni di ARTESIA, an editorial series showcasing research outcomes, the project includes the Vocabolario del Siciliano Medievale (VSM), a diachronic electronic web-based dictionary of Sicilian spanning until the mid-16th century. Modeled on the TLIO with LexiCad© tools by Salvatore Arcidiacono, the VSM relies on a comprehensive analysis of primary sources cataloged in the ARTESIA Corpus. It also entails systematic consultation of two sixteenth-century dictionaries - Lucio Cristoforo Scobar's Sicilian-Latin Vocabulary (1519) and Nicolò Valla's Vallilium (1500-1522). 

The 2023 staff:
Director: Mario Pagano (University of Catania)
Vice Director and IT Manager: Salvatore Arcidiacono (University of Catania / CNR-OVI)
Vice Director and Editorial Manager: Rossella Mosti (CNR-OVI)
ARTESIA Corpus Vice Director: Ferdinando Raffaele (University of Enna Kore)
Text Encoding Manager: Tecla Chiarenza
Editorial Team members: Laura Ingallinella (University of Toronto), Anael Intelisano (UniCt), Sara Ravani (CNR-OVI), Roberta Romeo (CSFLS), Fiorenza Tomarchio (UniCt), Giuseppe Zappalà (UniCt).