June 15, 2024 - In the Basic Training section you will find information on how to participate in the 9th edition of the Training Course for Editors of the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini. The deadline for applications is July 23, 2024.
August 5, 2024 - From 9 to 11 October, the final conference of the European Ars Nova project (ERC AdG coordinated by Maria Sofia Lannutti, in which OVI participates as a third party) will be held at the Department of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Florence. The OVI Director will speak at the closing round table. Download the program and the poster.
September 2, 2024 - On 5 September at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich, on the occasion of the conference LVLT2024 (Latin vulgaire - latin tardif), Mariafrancesca Giuliani, with Paolo Greco and Alessio Cotugno, will present the PRIN 2022 MEDITA project (Medieval Latin Documentation and Italian-Romance Digital Lexicography. Integrated resources for the new historical-ethimological lexicography). For information on the conference programme, click here.
July 25, 2024 - We have published a call for tenders for the professional collaboration of a highly qualified expert to carry out activities within the framework of the PRIN 2020 VIS project (Studi Veneziani Integrati. Filologia, testualità, lessicografia (secoli XIV-XVIII)). The call for applications, which will be open until August 6, 2024, can be downloaded from the Opportunities section.
May 11, 2024 - On April 4th the Corpus OVI dell'italiano antico and the Corpus TLIO per il vocabolario, main sources of the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini was updated
May 3, 2024 - The Director will present OVI resources at the first edition of the Permanent Laboratory of Lexicography at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (7-8 May 2024) and at the Doctorate in Literary, Linguistic and Historical Studies at the University of Salerno (9 May 2024).
March 15, 2024 - The first VIS International Colloquium Venetian Integrated Studies. Philology, Textuality, Lexicography (XIVth-XVIIIth centuries).
March 12, 2024 - On Wednesday 13 March 2024 at 3 p.m., the first meeting of the ninth cycle of seminars organised by the University of Notre Dame in collaboration with OVI will be held under the title Medieval Textuality: Traditional Methods and Innovative Technologies. To participate, registration is required.
The public selection process based on qualifications and interview for a research grant on the PNRR PE CHANGES project has been published. The call, which will expire on 4 April 2024, can be downloaded from the opportunities section.
Five public selections by qualifications and interviews for 6 research grants on PRIN 2022 projects have been published. Five projects are involved:
ArDIRe - Archivio e dizionario digitale dei primi ricettari artistici in lingua italiana (fine XIV-XVI secolo) - Resp. OVI Elena Artale
Books of Science - Vernacular Mathematics and Medicine Books in Fourteenth-Century Italy - Resp. OVI Pär Larson
CLIO - Corpora per la lirica italiana delle Origini - Resp. OVI Diego Dotto
CoDa - Corpus dei Commenti Danteschi Antichi - Resp. OVI Zeno Verlato
MEDITA - La documentazione latina medievale e la lessicografia digitale italo-romanza. Risorse integrate per la nuova lessicografia storico-etimologica - Resp. OVI Mariafrancesca Giuliani
The call, which expires on February 26, can be downloaded in the opportunities section.
On 16 January, Dr. Lorenzo Ambrogio, CNR-OVI research fellow, held a seminar entitled "Il Grande Dizionario della Lingua Italiana: a redazione delle voci". The seminar will be held at 11am in the OVI's Sala Castellani.
The OVI corpora and GattoWeb tools will be presented by Mariafrancesca Giuliani on 17 October at Selwyn College, Cambridge (1-3pm). The speech, entitled "Working with OVI's Textual Corpora", is intended for students and doctoral students dedicated to Italian studies.
The Director will present the activities of the OVI at the annual conference of the Italian Society of Romance Philology (SIFR) Metodi e reti per la filologia romanza (Bari, "Aldo Moro" University, 20-22 September 2023).
From 23 to 26 May, the Masaryk University of Brno (Department of Romance Languages and Literature) is organizing a series of seminars, entitled "Methods and tools for philological and linguistic research", aimed at PhD and Master students. The program includes, among others, three lectures by OVI researchers, Diego Dotto and Rossella Mosti, on lexicographic research, on OVI corpora and vocabulary.
The OVI resources will be presented at the University for Foreigners of Perugia on 9 May 2023 as part of the Digital Humanities Degree Course for Italian (DHI) of the Department of Italian Language, Literature and Arts in the World (LILAIM)
The seminar, entitled “A glimpse at the OVI resources: from lexicography to digital philology”, will be held by Paolo Squillacioti, OVI Director
With the latest update of April 14th, TLIO achieved the target of 44,003 online entries (75.5 % of the total entries).
With the latest update of January 31st, TLIO achieved the important target of 43,315 online entries (74.3 % of the total entries).
The last issue
of the Bulletin of the Opera del Vocabolario Italiano has been published.
In the latest issue of the Almanacco della Scienza of CNR, Paolo Squillacioti, Director of the Opera del vocabolario italiano, reviews some traditional closing phrases used in the past in writing: ranging from " with perpetual respect" to " please accept my cordial and respectful greetings ".
He also points out how today, being really rare the opportunities to write letters, it occurs very often that people search online for the most appropriate formulas.
Read the whole article
In March and April 2023, the Center for Italian Studies at the University of Notre Dame (UND), in partnership with the Institute Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI), is hosting the eighth series of seminars entitled "Linguistic, Philological, and Literary Developments in the Italian Middle Ages" exploring a wide range of topics pertaining to the linguistic, philological, and literary features of a variety of early Italian texts.
The speakers are (in order of appearance): Giovanni Spalloni (OVI), Mariafrancesca Giuliani (OVI) with Itziar Molina Sangüesa (University of Salamanca), and Laura Banella (University of Notre Dame).
Click here for more information.
Click here for the poster.
Announcement of 4 Annual Grants (no. AR OVI 8/2022) for research activities in the framework of the research program « Renovo. Rigenerare il Corpus OVI: rinnovo e ottimizzazione di metodi, contenuti, strumenti» (PRIN 2017), under the scientific supervision of Dr. Diego Dotto.
DEADLINE: 24/11/2022
Announcement of 3 Biennial Grants (no. AR OVI 7/2022) for research and support activities in the framework of the research program « QM – il
futuro dell'italiano antico. Con il corpus del Quattrocento meridionale verso
una nuova lessicografia digitale» , under the scientific supervision of Dr. Pär Larson.
DEADLINE: 15/11/2022
Announcement of 1 Biennial Grant (no. AR OVI 6/2022) for research activities in the framework of the research program « CAO 2 - Corpus dell’antico occitano» (Bando PRIN 2017 Prot. 2020XPTHS5), under the scientific supervision of Dr. Paolo Squillacioti.
DEADLINE: 10/11/2022
Announcement of 1 Biennial Grant (no. AR OVI 5/2022) for research activities in the framework of the research program «VIS – Venice integrated studies. Philology, Textuality, Lexicography (14th - 18th centuries)» (PRIN 2020), under the scientific supervision of Dr. Zeno Verlato.
DEADLINE: 10/11/2022
Announcement of 1 Biennial Grant (no. AR OVI 4/2022) for research and support activities in the framework of the research program «Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini (FOE 2020)» , under the scientific supervision of Dr. Paolo Squillacioti.
DEADLINE: 10/10/2022
With the latest update of August 1st, TLIO achieved the important target of 42.834 online entries.
The sudden death of Luca Serianni leaves us incredulous and saddened.
The Opera del Vocabolario Italiano contracted an enormous debt with him: his activity was decisive at the beginning of the drafting of the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini and the dissemination to the public of the textual corpus of early Italian.
Since then (almost thirty years have passed) Serianni has not stopped showing us his appreciation, thus nourishing our confidence and the sense of being doing a useful and scientifically founded work.
Our gratitude is immeasurable, the sense of loss difficult to express.
The call for applications for admission to the PhD course in Philology and Criticism, 38th cycle , a.y. 2022/2023, was published on the website of the University of Siena. The PhD is in agreement with: : Università di Pisa, Università per Stranieri di Siena and OVI-CNR.
The deadline for submitting applications was the 10th of August 2022 through the portal of the online Secretariat.
For Philology and Criticism, candidates could have competed both for free thematic scholarships (curricular scholarships), and for thematic scholarships linked or reserved for graduates abroad.
The training course on "Creation of a textual corpus in GATTO" took place at the Ecole française de Rome between Wednesday 22 June and Friday 24 June, organized as part of the ArTerm - la terminologia artistica (XV-XVI sec.).
The Course was held by Elena Artale.
Download the program.
The seventh basic training for editors of the Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini started on September 19th until October 7th 2022, at the Opera del Vocabolario Italiano headquarters.
On 27 - 28 June 2022, the Workshop on "Digital Philology and Early Italian Texts - Towards an Integrated Research System" was held in the Sala Stemmi of the Palazzo della Carovana in Pisa.
The event, organized by Scuola Normale Superiore in collaboration with CNR-OVI and DARIAH.IT, registered the participation of various OVI researchers.
Download the flyer here