To install GATTO on NT-based operating systems (NT 4.0, 2000, XP), you must start the above procedure from the "administrator" account, or from other similar authorized administrative accounts. | |
The suggested destination folder, “C:\Programmi\Gatto,” is not obligatory and you may want to install the program, for example, in the “D: \ Paperino” folder. | |
If there is a previous version of the program in the same folder, it is advisable to uninstall the previous version of GATTO or, at least, delete all of the contents of the folder where the the new version will be placed. | |
If the system files in the PC are too old, the installer will suggest to update them. In that case the PC will have to be restarted and, at the end, the GATTO installation procedure must be done a second time to be completed. | |
"Do you want to keep this file?" This question will come up several times during the installation. Always answer "YES". | |
Installation issues with Windows XP or 2003, related to cscmd32.ocx and cstext32.ocx files. If the installation fails and errors are reported for these two files, repeat the installation with the following procedure: to the question "Do you want to keep this file?" answer "NO" for the cscmd32.ocx and cstext32.ocx files; answer "YES" for all other files. |
Before downloading the program, the user is required to register. As mentioned earlier, the use of the program is free and this operation is intended only to give the OVI information on the dissemination of the program.
If the installation takes place in Linux operating environment, the user must verify the presence in the system of the Wine application (version 0.9.49, or later) and the MS Courier New font.
Download GATTO (circa 7 MB)
Once the "INST_GATTO.EXE" file has been downloaded, go to the directory where it was downloaded (it can be any directory, not necessarily the one where it will be installed) and run it.